Category Archives: Finance

3 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Your credit score is important for many different reasons. For one, it helps you improve your chances of getting a loan from banks, credit card companies, and mortgage lenders. It also plays a role in how high your interest rates are. The better your credit score is, the more lenders are willing to give you a lower interest rate since they see you are responsible with your finances. 

Lastly, you credit score affects your chances of being approved for our rental. Needless to say, your credit score is incredibly important. So, if you find yourself with a low score, it’s in your best interest to raise it as much as possible. Here are some of the best ways to start improving your score right away.

Pay Off Your Debts

If you owe debts, it’s important to start paying them off as soon as possible. Not only will this help improve your credit score, but it will also give you a better quality of life. You don’t want to find yourself over the age of 70 with a significant amount of debt looming over your head. Paying off your debts may require a certain amount of self-discipline until they’re paid off. 

Try to find creative ways to spend less so that you can put your money toward paying off your bills. The lower your credit card balance is, the more your score increases. Financial experts recommend always keeping a balance of 30% or lower of your total credit limit.

Pay Your Bills on Time

Paying your bills on time is an extremely important aspect of building a good credit score. If you pay your bills late, you won’t build credibility for yourself amongst lenders.  If you’re someone who frequently forgets dates, consider signing up for automatic payments. 

That way you know your bills will get paid without having to remind yourself. Autopay can be set up to whatever amount you want each month and will come directly out of your bank account.

Review Your Credit Report Regularly

It’s important that you keep a close eye on your credit report so that you know of any outstanding bills, and note any inaccuracies. If you do find that something is on your credit report that shouldn’t be there, you should dispute it immediately. Once they’re corrected, your credit score we’ll go back up.

Don’t Apply For Too Many Cards

Each time that you apply for a new credit card your credit score is hit with a hard inquiry. It’s best to keep a few accounts in good standing rather than having multiple accounts with a balance owed. So, before you start applying for new credit cards, focus on paying off the ones that you already have.  Once they’re paid off you’ll find your credit score is significantly raised.

4 Financial Tips for People Under 30

When you’re under 30, you might think that you’ve got your entire life to get your finances in order. However, even though you may think that 20 years feels like nothing now, the truth is that they can flash by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it you’ll reach retirement age, and find yourself with nothing to show for it if you don’t plan carefully. 

The best way to ensure but you can buy yourself a house, a car, and comfortably retire is to start planning as soon as possible. Here are some of the best financial tips that you should do sooner than later.


Budgeting is something that may seem simple yet can make a considerable difference in your overall financial health.  A budget creates boundaries that help you stay within your spending limits for the month. 

Without a budget, it’s easy to find yourself overdrawn at the end of the month without having paid all of your bills. After you get paid, make sure that you carefully allocate each part of your budget so that you know what you have left over for the rest.

For example, once you’ve budgeted all of your basic living expenses like utility bills, rent and groceries, then you can make wiggle room for the other things in life like entertainment.

Start Saving Young

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start saving as soon as possible. It’s true that when your salary isn’t that high, it may seem pointless to only put away a small amount each month.  

However, when you start young, even something as little as $20 a week can make a significant difference over the years. Incorporate savings into your budget, and you won’t even notice that the money is gone.

Put Aside Emergency Funds

Savings is important, and so are emergency funds. Unlike savings which is for your retirement or particular purchases that you’re hoping to eventually make, an emergency fund is specifically for emergency situations— like car repair or medical emergencies. 

That way, you don’t have to dip into your savings account since you’ll have funds specifically set aside for emergencies.

Avoid Credit Card Debt

Credit card companies start targeting people at a young age to build their credit.  Unfortunately, some young people get themselves into debt far too young, and spend decades trying to pay off the debt that they created in their 20s. 

Ideally, you should avoid too much credit card debt in your younger years or you will pay for it down the road. Never buy more than you can afford, and always prioritize paying off debts before anything else. Remember, debt comes with interest attached.

4 Tips for Getting Lower Interest Rates on Loans

Getting a loan isn’t always a bad thing- it’s a chance to afford things you wouldn’t be able to have otherwise for instance. Still, high-interest rates can make even the most helpful loan a burden. 

If you’re looking to lower your interest rates, here are four tips that can help you out.

Negotiate With Your Lender

You don’t have to accept the first rate that your lender offers you. It’s in your best interest to try to negotiate for a lower rate. Your lender may be open to this, and it doesn’t hurt to simply start discussions for a negotiation.

But how do you negotiate? Luckily negotiating is a skill that can be learned.

For instance, one tip is to think about why you need the loan as this can be a powerful motivator during a negotiation. Do you need it to pay for assisted living facilities for your parents? Is it for your child’s school tuition? Or, another good negotiation tactic is to ask for trade-offs. For example, you can try asking for a lower rate in exchange for a longer loan tenure.

Consider a Different Type of Loan

Some loans have lower interest rates than others, and if the loan you’re applying for is on the high side, consider another type. 

For example, secured loans have lower interest rates than unsecured ones because the lender has collateral. So if you own a home, you can get a home equity loan. The value of your home secures the loan, so you’ll likely get a lower interest rate than someone who’s not putting up their house as collateral.

You also want to look into government-backed loans as they have considerably lower rates.

Look Into Refinancing

Refinancing is taking out a new loan to replace an existing one. If you’re struggling with high-interest rates, refinancing could be a good option for you.

Plus, refinancing helps you in two ways- not only can it get you a lower interest rate, but it can also extend the length of your loan which would reduce your monthly payments. 

However, keep in mind that this could also mean more interest payments in the long run.

Get a Co-signer 

The higher your credit score is, the more lenders are likely to give you a lower interest rate. 

If your score isn’t where you want it to be and you don’t think you can improve it in time for when you need the loan, look into getting a cosigner. A cosigner is someone with good credit who agrees to take joint responsibility for the loan with you. 

Having a co-signer will likely get you a lower interest rate than you would otherwise have gotten if you have bad credit.

Getting a loan you apply for is important, but it’s not as simple as applying and getting approved. Make sure to do your research and get the lowest interest rate possible, as a high-interest rate often means trouble.

Who is a moneylender?

A moneylender is an individual or group that usually lends relatively small amounts of money at very high rates of interest. They say they charge more than established banks do because their lending tends to be riskier.

In the most basic sense, lending is the act of giving money to someone now with the expectation they will pay you back in the future. Usually, lenders are reimbursed by ongoing, monthly payments made by the borrower until the total amount owed is received. In return for lending the money, the lender charges the borrower a percentage of the amount borrowed, which is known as an interest rate. If you want to lend money, you can contact well Good at money lending in toa Payoh central.

For most people with no bank account, bad credit histories, as well as those with too much debt (so banks won’t lend them anymore), who do not have relatives or friends who can offer a loan, going to a moneylender is their only option.

In most countries today, there is legislation that limits how much money lenders can charge. In Singapore, for example, they need to be registered and are governed by Money Lenders Acts in different states.

In general, the lender determines the interest rate, and it reflects the likelihood that the borrower will repay the amount owed on time. Lenders use different ways to calculate interest rates, but typically an individual’s credit score has a lot to do with it since that’s how the lender predicts an individual’s ability and likelihood to pay (higher credit score = lower interest rate).

Many moneylenders are predatory – they actively seek out vulnerable individuals in financial trouble who have nobody else to turn to.

Loan sharks are people or firms that lend money at outrageously-high interest rates. The term may be used for legal moneylenders or illegal ones – what they all have in common are their exorbitant interest rates.

The moneylender is Geldverleiher in German, prestamista in Spanish, prêteur in French, agita in Portuguese, ростовщик in Russian, and 金貸し in Japanese.

Are banks moneylenders?

Banks lend money, so why aren’t they included in the definition of moneylender?

A moneylender (one word) refers to a specific type of lender. When talking about proper banks, we could use the components of the term ‘money lender’ but would need to separate the two words, i.e. a bank is a moneylender (banks also take deposits).


While getting into the details of lending can be complex, the basic principles are fundamentally simple. Don’t let the big words or sophisticated calculations confuse you.

Do you need a money lender?

Money lending is the practice of lending money to someone in return for interest. Money lenders are basically people or institutions that let people borrow money. For example, banks. Banks are a type of money lending institution. Another option for borrowing money is private money lenders such as money lender toa payoh central. Loan is another word used for borrowing money.

Loans can be taken from the bank. But sanctioning a loan is not an easy task in banks, they look at many factors such as credit score, income to debt ratio before giving someone a loan. This makes the process tedious. Borrowing money from a private money lender is a less tedious affair than the bank.

Now, how can you know whether you need a money lender? Here are some ways to help clear your dilemma.

If you need to fund your education

People take loans for completing their higher education. Some people can afford to pay it out of their pockets and some can’t. However, just because you can’t pay it out of your pocket does not mean you can’t have education. You can apply for a loan or lend money and you can pay it back after the completion of your education.

If you are running behind your payments

We all go through this. Sometimes, we cannot manage our bills and a single mishap is enough to blast it to pieces. We all have rents and bills to pay, apart from that we have to look at our personal needs. Things can get a little tipsy sometimes. And to avoid any further imbalance, you can borrow money to bring your life back on track.

If you want to consolidate your loans

If you are already burdened with many repayments and you are having a difficult time managing it. You can consolidate your loans with a single loan.

If you do not have any other option

When it comes to borrowing money, we will seek our friends and families before borrowing from a money lender. Borrowing money from your friends or families does not come with interest. Money you borrow from money lenders will come with interest. So, borrowing money from a money lender should be a last resort.


Therefore, you need a money lender if you are unable to fund your education. If you are unable to manage your regular payments you need to borrow money. If you are left with no other options, then you definitely need a money lender.

The History of Gold Coins

From El Dorado, the City of Gold to the elusive Pot of Gold, it’s a precious substance shrouded in mystery. Treasured throughout the centuries and mined for over 5,000 years, gold is a substance revered by cultures the world over, from Ancient Egypt to the Aztecs and Incas and just as valued today. From the classical Greek philosophers to numerous biblical references, imbued with special properties retold in folklore, myths and legends, gold is a material embedded in our culture, from the traditional wedding ring to classic gold coins such as the sovereign coins.

There are a lot of mythological stories involving gold which goes to show that people have always been intrigued by this yellow metal. For Millennia, gold has been highly regarded. Quests and voyages when undertaken to find gold. Did Eldorado really exist? Is there a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow, are leprechauns real and do they have that much of an affinity to their gold? Gold has intrigued different civilizations in different continents. The Greeks held gold in high regard. It also played an important part in Egyptian culture and it is the reason why the Spanish and Portuguese sent one ship after ship to discover countries that were not on the map the world and whose natural wealth had not been reclaimed or plundered and repurposed into different products. Gold dealers have been an integral part of commerce as man had to find different way to pay for goods and services for what they need without using the barter system. This was done with gold and silver coins.

Some interest facts about the history of gold coins

  • The history of gold goes back a couple of generations before the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • The largest gold coin minted in antiquity is the 20-stater gold coin of Eucratides. 
  • Gold coins have been struck since 600BC. That is more than 2,000 years ago!
  • Through many centuries empires like the Persians or the Phoenician empires used gold coins as currency.
  • Gold has been a standard for measuring and valuing currencies for many centuries. 

Gold is the go-to investment in time of economic crisis, this is evidenced in the 2008 financial crisis. In recent times counties that are facing economic challenges like Turkey, Venezuela and another have been turning their focus to gold in order to weather their own individual economic challenges because gold always holds it value.   

Gold is not just the stuff of legends and myths anymore. It still plays an important role in the current economic environment. There is still a great demand for gold, more than ever now because it is used to protect your wealth and savings during time of crisis. So, investing in gold is still important not only on a personal level but also as a store of wealth for the future.

Gold is not an infinite commodity which is why people recycle their old gold. This is why the Gold dealers are still in existence and are an important part of the recycling process. This practice is not just a benevolent one but one that is necessary to meet the demand for gold when the supply of it through mining has been dwindling over the years.

Kredittkort: 5 Reasons People Apply for it and Love it!

When you have a steady job and a decent income, then you’d want to have a credit card that will be there for you when you need to pay for something. Some people opt for debit cards rather than credit. They both have their pros and cons, but most decide to get a credit card as the better option.

Although both are made of metal or plastic, they have a chip implemented inside that can be read by financial equipment, such as ATMs and POS terminals. The information read goes directly to the financial company and comes back with a signal that tells what’s written on the card. See how these things work on the link.

In this article, we’re talking about the kredittkort, or the credit card, and its benefits. We will explain in five points why people love them and why they frequently apply for a new one. If you want to know more about this matter, continue reading and see more about it for yourself.  

1. Credit cards provide a grace payment period

When you pay with any other method, the funds from your account, or the cash you’re holding in your hand, disappear forever from your possession. A debit card will instantly take off the amount that you spent on an item, but that’s not the case with a credit card.

With it, you get to buy an item or service, but you’re not paying immediately for it. Better said, the vendor sees the money on their account, but you can always pull them back in case something unwanted happens. This is not a way to pull tricks and scam people, but only for emergencies.

For example, let’s say that you bought a new fridge, you come home, plug it in, and you see it’s not working. You call your bank and you tell them what happened. They will immediately stop the funds from being liquid and will only release them when you get a new fridge.

At the same time, you can use it for paying for an item that is too expensive and you don’t have the actual funds at the moment. You can get a new bike that’s worth $10,000, but only pay the next month when you have enough on your account balance.

The vendor will get their money through the financial company that issued the plastic, but you’re not going to spend a dime until you approve the payment. That makes it so easy to get whatever you want even if you don’t have a positive balance on your account.

2. Most issuers offer rewards for using it

One great way to make people use their cards frequently is to offer them rewards for doing it. Depending on the issuer, there might be different rewards that are more or less interesting. Some of the most popular ones are getting flying miles for free when you buy tickets through it, but there are many others too.

If you look at the Norske kredittkort deals especially, you’ll find lots of offers coming from supermarkets in the form of cashback. This is something that Scandinavians especially love, and if you also find it interesting, then be sure that you can have great fun by doing it.

The deal works for those that often put items on their credit card. The more you buy, the more points you collect and get qualified for some of the awards. It is the same with the cashback practice. For a specific amount placed on the card, you get several dollars back.

Some financial companies are especially generous, and they might offer up to 6% cashback, just to attract more users. The usual offer is around 2-3%, so if you find someone with a better deal, it means that you’re getting a great offer.  

3. Fastest and cheapest loans come through them

When you need to borrow money for something, you don’t have to apply for a loan. You can put it on your card. The only issue is that not all of them can cover unlimited amounts. Most of them will go a few monthly paychecks, which means that amounts of 10-15 thousand dollars are going to be affordable. For more, you’ll need to ask the financial institution that you’re working with.

However, there are all kinds of different cards out there and you may have one that allows you to put all sorts of things on it. You can easily buy a brand new car and worry about nothing. You’ll repay monthly a sum that is enough to cover the expenses, and won’t even feel that you bought something.

It’s crucial to pay attention to the interest rate when you’re purchasing a new credit card. Every time you go into debt, your account will be charged with an interest rate for the time spent with your card in debt. If the interest rate is tremendously high, it makes no sense to get new things on it.

If the card has a low-interest rate, then you can get whatever you want at the moment, and pay for it when you have more income. Let’s say that you have an interest rate of 2%. An amount of $10,000 will not even feel like you’re losing money, so go for buying new stuff on it.

4. They are the safest payment option

Hackers are a true menace for credit cards. Every account is connected to the internet and all payments happen online, so it’s easy for hackers to intercept this information, infiltrate the accounts and spend money on their own.

Credit cards are excellent in the battle against them because they are made differently than debits, for example. When a hacker breaches inside and steals your money, you’ll alert the bank and they’ll block the account with the money inside before the hacking.

This way, both you and the hacker own the amount. The bank will notify the police of it, and the insurance company will compensate for the damage. That way, you’re not getting damaged, and the insurance company will fight the problem additionally.

When you have a debit card, the thief will clear it, and there’s nothing you can do about it. The mechanism is not the same and the funds cannot be reverted. What was spent is gone forever, and you can only alarm the police for this, and wait for them to catch the hacker so you can get your money back.

5. You can pay with them anywhere in the world

Credit cards are the best way to pay for anything and anywhere around the world. No matter where you go, your card will be accepted, and you can pay with it, or at least you can get local cash. In the US, no matter which one you own, be sure that the retailers will gladly accept to pass it through their POS.

Going abroad is always a problem for paying. Different countries always have their currencies and payment practices. Some places in the world simply have no POS systems, and you must have cash. Any bank will provide it when you show the credit card, which is why this is system is so valuable.

FAQs about Tribal Loans

Tribal loans are offered by the tribal lending communities and tribes of NativeAmerica. It is a very common and popular lending mechanism used in the countries. There are many queries that people generally ask about tribal loans. This article has covered some of the most common queries that people have about tribal loans.

Do tribal loans available online?

The advancement in technology has changed the way loan procedures used to take place earlier. Nowadays, online tribal loan mechanisms have simplified the loan granting procedures. From applying for repayment loans, every activity can be performed online. Online tribal loans have made it easier for people to take a loan from any place. It has mitigated the geographical boundaries.

Is Collateral Important for taking Tribal Loans?

It depends on the type of loan taken. If the loan is taken for emergency and bridge financing, then the requirement of collateral is minimum. The tribal loans are preferred for this reason as there is the easy availability of loans. The emergency loans are paid back within a decided time period. The short-term financing requirement also does not require collateral.

Is interest very high on tribal loans?

The interest rate varies on the time period and the repayment procedures of the loan taken. If the loan is taken for emergency and without a security deposit, then the interest rate is high. A casual loan has an average interest rate depending on the market conditions. A high-interest rate does not allow borrowers to go for the tribal loan option. They prefer these types of loan more during the time of emergencies or for meeting their liquidity ratio.

Do all states allow tribal loan policies?

The policies for the tribal loans are made by the lenders. They decide their own interest rates, collateral requirement, security deposit amount, and other terms and conditions. Some states do not allow the rules formed by tribal lenders. In those states, the rules made by the state laws and federal regulations are also applicable. A borrower should check the guidelines and policies of their states. It will help them in knowing the right laws and policies applicable for taking tribal loans in their state.

Tribal loans are the oldest form of financing option available in the market. The popularity of tribal loans has not faded away with time. But there could be many misconceptions about the same. So, read and learn more about tribal loans to get a clear idea and picture of this financing system.

Advantages of a payday loan

If everyone you know cautions you about a payday loan the truth is that they are yet to see the side of it that benefits an individual. Lasting between 1 and 3 months these are loans for those who have urgent requirements of capital to carry out needs. Although payday loan supporters claim that they allow people with weak or uncredited loans, criticizers contend that these “short-term” loans target minority groups disproportionately and lock people in long debt periods. If lately, your paycheck has run out, you might find yourself in a position where you have to cope with unintended costs or late accounts a payday loan can accommodate such unforeseen financial issues. A 500$ loan online as a payday loan is as easy as registering on a new social media account, and one should take advantage of the available option.

Here you will learn about the benefits of a payday loan that you can get.

Payday loans tend to be a fast and convenient way to brush away temporary financial difficulties such as rent costs, medical emergency cash needs or to minimize late payments on a credit card.

You can access them easily, so you can quickly get capital.

One of the key benefits of such loans is that they require no time to negotiate with them. A successful online loan company handles your borrowing requests within minutes, formulas are quick, easy and need little details, and are typically accepted in just a few minutes, and on the same day or the next, you can acquire cash from several cash advance lenders, who guarantee instant lending decisions and access to cash within 24 hours. Some of them do have web apps 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Easily entitle to these credits

One challenge facing a lot of people when they qualify for standard loans is that they often deny their application. You don’t have to put up equity, such as a home, or have a flawless loan score as opposed to conventional loans. You just need a bank account, a driver’s license, and monthly sales proof. A loan from paycheck to paycheck works normally. Such lenders, however, also provide recurring fees. Regardless of the case, never slip payments, if you suspect you won’t be able to pay next month, contact your payday lender to remind you. This prohibits late payments and extra charges from arising.


If you borrow from a moneylender, it is possible that the loan will not pass. Friends and relatives are unable to lend the big sum you need in case of emergencies such as large auto repairs, hospital costs, etc. You can access a payday loan online easily at any time. You are much more likely to get a payday loan than any other form of help in a difficult situation.

The choice for the credit line.

Instead of a term loan, some lenders sell a flexible loan line. You can then obtain a certain amount and will be able to take out the required money if and when you wish to. Each repayment you make will replenish the credit line and you will infer it if you no longer need it.

Things to know about your credit card

Do you want to have a good credit card to have seamless transactions? Then you should surely know about some of the facts that can be useful for you for buying one. 

There are many options from which you can choose 

If you are not aware then it should tell you that credit card comes in different options. One is for a general purpose that is applicable almost everywhere. The private retail cards are something different and can be used only at a service center or issuing stores. The customers need to pay higher interest on retail cards as compared to general-purpose cards. 

Whenever there is confusion to choose the right option the customer should try to compare the interest rates and the fees so that you end up with the best deal to buy a credit card. 

The interest rates

There is a big requirement for a customer to properly understand the interest rates of their credit card. It can change dramatically from 0 percent to even 30 percent. The annual percentage rate is set by the creditor with the help of calculating your credit score, credit inquiries, the current debt load, income, economic status, assets, and your previous payments. The customers can get the lowest interest rates on some of the advantageous credit cards like the Amex gold card if they have a proven and positive credit score. 

The payment procedures 

In credit cards there exists the revolving balance option. And the customer does not need to make the full payment but only if the minimum required payment is made by him/her. And this is how the rest of the amount is added in the next month’s payment and this keeps revolving. But according to the rules, some sort of interest is added to the balance. 

Understand your rights 

You should be always aware of your rights as a card-holder. No matter if you have a bad credit score or high-interest rate it is always required to ask questions if there are any doubts about your payments, account, and more. All the terms mentioned in the contract should be read correctly so that there is no room for any misunderstandings. 

There are rights of the card-holder to dispute and to get the errors corrected so that it doesn’t harm your credit scores. You should always try to make the payments on time so that you are free from any questioning or getting a bad credit score. 

Card inactivity 

Also, there are chances of your card to get inactive if there are no activities for a long time and it will directly out an impact on your credit score. 

The card-holder should be very careful at every step while using a credit card. You should have all the recordings of your transactions for seamless payments. As per your business spending profile, a credit card should be selected by a card-holder. 

It is beneficial to choose cards that have rewards as they can be quite helpful in covering business expenses. If you are a business owner or an employee and want to cover the business expenses then it is advisable to use a personal credit card.